Thursday, March 25, 2010

5 more swims before the big one. Today I swam somewhere between 60 and 66 lengths in 55 minutes. 2 lenghts in 15 minutes and 6 length in 5 minutes after that between 8:20 and 9:15. So judging by that I am on target to swim 100 lenghts less than 1.5 hours all 70k of me. I also know I have a body mas index of just over 25 which make me nearly obese. Not that Body mas Index is anything to go by.

Last weekend I had a nearly rugby free weekend going to barcamp and learning two new games. Powerpoint Carokee. Download a random power point you have never seen before and talk yourself though it. A Warewolf a mind game thingy. One of the lectures was titiled something like Jsritpt and how to impress girls, so of course all the girls attended. I think we all agreed that boys would be more impressed by girls knowing jscript that the other way round. Anyway I have been introduced to Jscript and CSS3. I think I am going to be be a stubbon bitch and use css3 knowing that the majority of poeple who use internet explorer will never see the improvements I have made.

The barcamp was held in the Life Centre which had no windows at eye height which meant that I didn't see the horizon for 26 hours a really strange experience. Got home via the rugby club to find the front door unlocked and my eldest upstairs on Samuel Xbox. Nice to know I am apprciated for something. I haven't seen or heard from him since.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So 9 swims left. I have rearranged to do the swim on Saturaday the 17th of April between 8:30 and 10:30. The Under 13s, my sons team, has a touring side to play against on that moring which I Should imagine I will be expected to take pictures. The kick off will be 11am. I have also found out that I do not need my partner to count they have staff that can do that. In the afternoon the firsts are playing at home the following morning the 16s have a home game.

My swimming this week hasn't gone that well because I am beginning to talk to people and waste time that way. So I probably only did 30 lenths on Tuesday and swam for 40 minutes today. I think the swimming is doing me good apart from being hungry all of the time I seem to be firmer. I have been told the best time to go swimming is 8am Tuesday and Thursday.

This weekend I am not doing any rugby because I am going to barcamp north east in Newcastle. Should at least be a break from the politics of the u13s team. Even if I chose not to be involved one can't help but experience the tensions that others are experiencing. Apart from creating my own, I am very good at that.

So am hoping that this weekend will give me a break. Trouble is I need to find something to talk about soap making maybe or knitting socks anyway that is for tomorrow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

There are 11 swims left before the big one. This week I have swam 30 and 40 minutes. I reckon I am doing 4 lengths in 3 minutes. So today based on that I did about 50 lenths. So as a rough estimate I would be doing the swim in 75 to 90 minutes.

The under 9s team at bishop are organising a mile run for sport relife the adults can pay £1 and walk round if they wish especially if they are bald and over 40. My cop out is I am needed to take the pictures so therefore I cannot do the run. So I paid my pound and am going to swim it 64 lengths is on the way to 100. People can not come and watch me do the swim as I am doing it on a Friday morning. hopefully Stuart is taking the day off to count my lengths. Anyway there is time for things to change.

My youngest(13) has beed excluded from school for setting up a facebook group against a teacher he doesn't like. To his credit it did get 97 memebers. He is being very mature about it accepting his punishment. He knows that it was wrong and he will not do it again. however, I think we both see the other side of this.

As for next week 30 minutes and 45 minutes 40 + 60 getting there although it doesn't fell like it at the moment and in the meantime knitting socks and doing websites,

Thursday, March 04, 2010

This is the first week I have swam 2 1/2 hour sessions. And today I had to make my own way to the swimming pool as Stuart has to go to Rotherham for a meeting. It was a beautifill morning, cold and clear. I was lazy and got the bus back, but I could still end up walking 4.7 miles today.

As for the swimming I think my stammina is increasing I am now swimming 2 backstoke 1 breaststoke and 1 back paddle I say paddle I rarely use my hands. The trouble with swimming on your back is that you can't see where you are going and it annoys people. Ladies who manage not to get there hair wet untill they get in the shower. I think I am fitter in myself as well although I think I need a bit more stamina for the big day.

So Other than the rugby club by that I mean Bishop Auckland not Aycliffe. I have been commisioned to knit for my grandchild. They asked for a blanket and a toucan. The blanket will consist of 100 10cm square so far I have knitted 4 along with 1 pair of baby socks and mits and a hat. I suppose this is one of the qualifications for being a granny.

I am really proud that the County website ( have put a link to the county pictures I took last Sunday at Bishop Auckland. The wheather was terrible dark and rainy.

Now I am thinking will I continue after the big day, I really don't know, but if I didn't it would be as stupid as a rugby club running out of beer